Your direct line to wingsacademy
Our contact form helps you to include the few relevant details that we need to quickly process your personal inquiry and provide a helpful response.
Our contact form helps you to include the few relevant details that we need to quickly process your personal inquiry and provide a helpful response.
To get in touch with us personally, you can call or email these contacts at wingsacademy directly:
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Our contacts will also be happy to sit down with you for a personal discussion – at your headquarters or either wingsacademy location. Here are the addresses, including the central phone and fax number:
Training Centre Düsseldorf
Kieshecker Weg 148
40468 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 873 996 - 80
Fax: +49 211 873 996 - 99
Here are the wingsacademy locations on Google Maps so you can plan your trip to either address today: