Aviation Security

Online Courses per Regulation (EU) No 2015/1998

Aviation Security – Online Courses based on the LBA Module System


You can satisfy all the training requirements set by the German Federal Aviation Office (LBA) for almost all target groups with our portfolio of aviation security courses. The courses – whether taught on-ground or online – are based strictly on the requirements of the current module system and approved by the Federal Aviation Office – for both complete training courses and retraining programs.

For example, you can take the initial or continuation training online as required by the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2015/1998 pursuant to Chapter 11.2.6 for airport identification cards, Chapter for crews or for passenger handling staff.

What makes our aviation security training special:
  • Content reviewed with approval numbers issued by the Federal Aviation Office (LBA).
  • Content strictly based on the module system and on Regulation (EU) No 2015/1998.
  • Excellent learning retention thanks to hands-on approach and extensive exercises.
Additional benefits of online training:
  • Instant course availability – online in the learning management system or the iLearn24® app.
  • Adapt the pace and course load to your personal plans.
  • Content intuitively prepared in small training modules in English and German.

Our Solutions for your Aviation Security Online Training


Online Courses for your Learning Platform

You are already using a Learning Platform and want to integrate our online training into the context of other courses?

We simply provide our course online for this purpose. And the best part: even future updates are ensured this way!

More About our Online Training

Our Training Integrated into Our LMS iLearn24®

You haven't yet utilized a Learning Management System for the efficient administration and implementation of all training measures?

Seize the opportunity of the current demand and ensure audit-proof training for this topic in the future!

Rent Our Training and LMS

Get Your Training now and Receive a Certificate Instantly

Do you want to quickly meet the current training needs or anticipate only a few individuals to train in this topic?

Then order the needed amount of licenses from our online shop now and start your online training with almost no delay!

Order Licenses in our Shop

Our Portfolio of Online Aviation Security Courses


Aviation Security: Training pursuant to Chapter 11.2.6 (Airport Identification Cards)
  • Target group: Persons other than passengers requiring unescorted access to security restricted areas (airport identification card)
  • Type of training: Initial training (comprehensive training)
  • Modules from module system: VM3, VM5, SM19
  • Requirement: Passed background check pursuant to German Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) § 7
  • Time taken: 240 minutes incl. Test
  • Final exam: Yes. Learning outcomes are tested online using a web-based training module.
  • Certificate: Yes. Valid for 5 years. Can be downloaded and printed out immediately after completing the entire online training course
Aviation Security: Training pursuant to Chapter 11.2.7
  • Target group: Training on general security awareness
  • Type of training: Initial training (comprehensive training)
  • Modules from module system: VM3, VM5
  • Requirement: Passed background check pursuant to German Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) § 7
  • Course duration: 150 minutes incl. Test
  • Final exam: Yes. Learning outcomes are tested online using a web-based training module.
  • Certificate: Yes. Valid for 5 years. Can be downloaded and printed out immediately after completing the entire online training course
Aviation Security: Training pursuant to Chapter (Aircraft Security Searches)
  • Target group: Persons implementing aircraft security searches
  • Type of training: Initial training (comprehensive training)
  • Modules from module system: VM2, SM6
  • Requirement: Passed background check pursuant to German Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) § 7
  • Note: In-person training per aircraft type 45 min.
  • Time taken: 240 minutes incl. Test
  • Final exam: Yes. Learning outcomes are tested online using a web-based training module
  • Certificate: Yes. Valid for 5 years. Can be downloaded and printed out immediately after passing the final exam
Aviation Security: Training pursuant to Chapter (Aircraft Security)
  • Target group: Persons implementing aircraft protection
  • Type of training: Initial training (comprehensive training)
  • Modules from module system: VM6, SM7
  • Requirement: Passed background check pursuant to German Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) § 7
  • Time taken: 240 minutes incl. Test
  • Final exam: Yes. Learning outcomes are tested online using a web-based training module
  • Certificate: Yes. Valid for 5 years. Can be downloaded and printed out immediately after completing the entire online training course
Aviation Security: Retraining from 11.2.6 to (Security)
  • Target group: Persons implementing aircraft protection
  • Type of training: Retraining from 11.2.6
  • Modules from module system: UM6
  • Requirement: Passed background check pursuant to German Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) § 7
  • Time taken: 105 minutes incl. Test
  • Final exam: Yes. Learning outcomes are tested online using a web-based training module
  • Certificate: Yes. Valid for 5 years. Can be downloaded and printed out immediately after completing the entire online training course
Aviation Security: Retraining from 11.2.6 to (Baggage)
  • Target group: Persons implementing baggage reconciliation
  • Type of training: Retraining from 11.2.6
  • Modules from module system: UM7
  • Requirement: Passed background check pursuant to German Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) § 7
  • Course duration: 105 minutes incl. Test
  • Final exam: Yes. Learning outcomes are tested online using a web-based training module.
  • Certificate: Yes. Valid for 5 years. Can be downloaded and printed out immediately after completing the entire online training course

Online Training, an Efficiency Driver

Web-based training (WBT) is essential for educating cabin and cockpit employees. It provides the extra efficiency and flexibility you need to cover all the topics in your training program, including health and safety in flight operations.

Not sure whether and where to use online training easily and apply it in accordance with the law? Let’s talk – we have the answers!

Aviation Security Training – Next-Level Quality


Our aviation security training has not just won over the Federal Aviation Office (LBA). Many airports in Germany also use our LBA-approved online training course as the foundation for their own customised web-based training programs on aviation security required by Chapter 11.2.6. And they have many reasons to trust our content, including:

  • Update service: We roll out free and timely content updates
  • In-house subject-matter experts: We answer users’ questions
  • Certificate check: Instant online validation – even for the LBA

Also, our processes and certificates are also LBA-audited!

Noch mehr Zeit und Kosten sparen mit diesen Online-Trainings


Health and Safety

From ramp safety to snow and ice control – from hazardous substances to safety management: legally compliant online training on any health and safety topic.

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Data Protection

Our data protection training is based on the GDPR. It does more than provide effective training: It keeps you and your employees safe and secure.

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IT Security

Prepare your employees to handle the growing threat of cybercrime with our online training. It is the surest way to protect yourself, your company and your staff.

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Training Catalogue

Take a look right now at our broad portfolio of aviation training courses - from A for "Occupational safety in flight operations" to W for "Winter services at the airport".

And whether online training or classroom training: you will always receive a legally compliant certificate.