Liability for content
We make every effort to keep the content on our website current, complete and correct, but accept no liability whatsoever for the content provided.
Pursuant to § 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), we are, as a service provider, responsible for our own content on our pages under general laws. However, we are under no obligation to monitor transmitted or saved third-party information (§§ 8-10 TDG). As soon as we become aware of any violations, we will remove the offending content immediately. However, we cannot be held liable for the content until after we learn of the violation.
Liability for links
Our pages contain links to third-party websites. We have no control over the content shown on these third-party websites. The website's provider or operator is responsible for the accuracy of the content. For this reason, we assume no liability in this regard.
We reviewed the external pages for possible legal violations when we set the links. We found no violations at the time of linking. We cannot afford to constantly review all the content of all the pages that we may link to without actual indications of a legal violation. If we become aware of any violations, we will remove the corresponding links immediately.
German copyright law governs the content and works created by this website's operator and presented on this website. Third-party contributions are identified as such. It is strictly prohibited to copy, modify, distribute or exploit in any way whatsoever the content and works outside the copyright limits without the author's or creator's written consent. Copies of these pages may only be made for personal use, and not for commercial purposes.
Legal validity of this disclaimer
If individual provisions or phrases of this disclaimer are or become invalid, this will not affect the remaining provisions with regard to their content and validity.