
The Learning Management System for Aviation at a Glance

iLearn24® – Next Generation: Much more than a Learning Management System


Grown up in aviation, at home in every industry

iLearn24® is not just any learning management system. It is the LMS that has smoothly navigated constant change and proven itself for over 15 years in one of the industries with the strictest safety standards in the world: aviation.

This aviation industry standard has passed multiple audits with flying colours and has long benefited many other sectors such as logistics, retail, wholesaling and federal, state and local government.

Learn more about iLearn24® – The LMS of Aviation – Today


From Learning Management to Solution Management

Find out what our LMS iLearn24® – Next Generation offers starting in the basic version and how we master complex training processes to keep your training management efficient over the long term.

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One LMS, Four Versions, Hundreds of Functions

Get to know the central management functions of our learning management system and discover how to configure your individual enterprise solution from one of the four ready-2-start versions of iLearn24®.

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iLearn24® App – Your pocket-sized Access for the LMS

Our App for the iLearn24® – Next Generation give learners the freedom to access their personal learning account on their mobile devices and study wherever, whenever – both online and offline!

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Why you can Benefit from the LMS Standard in Aviation


Aviation is one of the most regulated industries in the world. Germany’s Federal Aviation Authority (LBA) joins many other national and international supervisory authorities in keeping a close eye on aviation companies. They focus on training programmes, course content and compliance with specified certification processes. And aviation is not unique in this. Total regulatory compliance and efficient control of training processes is a key success factor for companies in every industry.

The iLearn24® LMS supports all specified training processes and enables you to meet every deadline properly. Plus, it gives you considerable flexibility in designing all LMS training processes.

Experience our iLearn24® – Next Generation Learning Management System Live

Say farewell to training management based on spreadsheets, folders or distributed systems. Clean up and use iLearn24® as a central hub for all your training issues from A to Z. It saves time – and energy!

Only Three of the many Reasons to choose our iLearn24® Learning Management System


From Insiders for Insiders

We constantly improve our learning management system. For you and with you. Your requests are regularly added for new or expanded LMS functions to our development pipeline and then roll out these functions to you free of charge, proving our commitment to flexibility, community and customer service.

Free Updates included

All updates and expansions of LMS functions are always free of charge for you in the selected version! Not only does this maximise regulatory compliance, it also keeps you abreast of technological changes and ensures your budget is consistently predictable in the long term.

Lasting Value Through Foresight

We keep an eye on trends and technologies. And we do so across the entire training spectrum. Because we can do more than just LMSs. We also offer in-person training, webinars, web-based training, read&sign, and more. That means your investment today will still pay off tomorrow.