
The wingsacademy Update on Aviation Training

Overview of All wingsacademy Aviation Training News

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LBA Retracts on Inventory Protection of Aviation Security Training – ID Check Now Daily

Approved aviation security trainings will now remain valid beyond December 31, 2024. This is stated…

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LBA setzt Schulungssystem zu Luftsicherheitsschulungen in Kraft – das ändert sich

LBA Implements New Training System for Aviation Security Trainings – What’s Changing

It was announced back in 2023, and now it's official: As of July 1, 2024, the new training system…

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LMS Update: FK Feedback, Information Requests, and Many Optimized Features

Our Learning Management System (LMS) iLearn24® – Next Generation will soon be optimized again with…

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Safety Training Maintenance

Safety Training Maintenance: Our New Online Training in Accordance with EASA Regulations

The training on Human Factors and Safety Management is now integrated into our new "Safety Training…

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Interimsmodulsystem: LBA setzt Übergangslösung zu Schulungen zur Luftsicherheit in Kraft

Interim Module System: LBA Implements Temporary Solution for Aviation Security Training

The German Federal Aviation Office (LBA) issued Information No. 03/2023 on October 9, 2023,…

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LMS-Update: Weiter optimierte Benutzerfreundlichkeit und hybride Schulungstermine

LMS Update: Further Optimized User-Friendliness and Hybrid Training Dates

Our Learning Management System iLearn24® is soon to receive valuable free updates. This includes…

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Online-Shop der wingsacademy: Jetzt bestellen Sie unsere Online-Trainings noch leichter

Online Shop of wingsacademy: Ordering Our Online Trainings Just Got Easier

After thorough preparation, the online shop of wingsacademy has officially launched today. From now…

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Kompetenzsicherung zum CBTA: Erste Module zur ergänzenden Gefahrgutschulung im Einsatz

Competency Assurance for CBTA: Initial Modules for Supplementary Dangerous Goods Training Now in Use

As of today, the first online modules for competency assurance in dangerous goods training, as…

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LBA Introduces New Aviation Security Training Regulation: What Will Change in the Future (Update)

The German Federal Aviation Office (LBA) has presented changes to the Aviation Security Training…

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